Some people feel that entertainers (e.g. film stars, pop musicians or sports stars) are paid too much money. Do you agree or disagree? Which other types of jobs should be highly paid?

Nowadays, huge fees which various singers, actors and sports stars receive could be seen. Despite
a situation seeming unfair, I believe that celebrities are paid adequate payments.
, in my opinion,
of scientific professions are financially deprived. Economically, it seems that the phenomenon of paying for the stars needs to be viewed in the context that the fame of these
represents successful and promoting potentially profitable brands. In the modern economy, for those who pay, whether it is an employer, advertiser or investor, the ratio of income to costs is important rather than the absolute values ​​of salaries.
For example
, by spending several million dollars on a star's royalties, film producers will earn a big deal more than if they hired a little-known actor with modest financial demands.
, it could be said that
exorbitant amounts of money received by the actors and gladiators are fully justified from the market point of view.
On the other hand
, knowledge workers
as academics and engineers deserve high wages. These are the specialities that make the most significant contribution to
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, it seems that modern society undeservedly bypasses these giants of thought with financial gratitude. To illustrate the salary of a junior scientist in Russia is comparable to that of a janitor.
increase in salaries would be a fair recognition of the merits of these professions by society. In conclusion, while celebrity royalties could be a shock, from a market perspective,
is perfectly acceptable. At the same time, modern society should financially encourage
who put themselves on the altar of science.
Submitted by mila.kniaz on

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