In their advertising, businesses nowadays usually emphasise that their products are new in some way? Why is this? Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

It is undeniable that companies are advertising their products emphasizing the quality of being new these days. There are several reasons behind
trend and I believe it has more negative impacts than positive ones. Advertisers are focusing on showcasing that the products are new in one way or another for various reasons. The main reason for
that is
because the lifestyle of people nowadays is leaning towards materialism. In every goods industry, "newer" and "better" versions of the same product are released very frequently.
, they are being heavily advertised that they include more upgraded functions that customers have to purchase
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or they will be left out. Another reason is that due to populated commercials, people already own a variety of goods.
, advertisers have to promote their products as new or consumers will not feel the need to buy them again. In my opinion, the negative effects of
trend outweigh the positive developments.
, more and more people are persuaded to purchase things that they do not need which leads them to immense debts and mental stress.
, due to the demand created by the commercials, manufacturing processes need to reflect that.
, businesses hire a significant amount of workers and they are being largely underpaid and advantaged (
for example
, in the fast fashion industry ) .
, because of huge volumes of production, a lot of waste are produced which severely harm the environment. In conclusion, for reasons
as materialistic lifestyle and the endless vicious cycle that advertising firms created for themselves, almost everything is being promoted as new and I believe that there are more disadvantages than benefits of
Submitted by hmtnetflix on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • emphasise
  • advertising
  • products
  • innovation
  • competitive strategy
  • consumer dissatisfaction
  • value
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