Job is an essential need of all
to survive. A job provides human beings to earn money and maintain their lives through these earnings. Choosing how to earn a living is not an easy decision and affects one’s whole life. Whether working for another
or being self-employed both have advantages and disadvantages. Entrepreneurship involves more monetary gains and
while giving more
and workload; while working for firms contains less risk and constant salary while giving less investment chance and less
Setting up a new
gives more monetary gains for entrepreneurship and
provides more
and freedom.
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starting a
can build their dream
and earn much more money than being a White collar.
enables businesses
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or women to make an investment and gives them more freedom with their expenses and hobbies. In Turkey average job owner’s monthly gains are equal to three or four times of a worker who works for minimum wage.
gives more
while spending
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hobbies or other personal expenses.
being an employer needs more responsibility and more
. At the
growing steps of a
, employers sometimes even work more than their employees, since they are the owner they need to take
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responsibility instinctively and work hard.
of the high responsibility and workload
will be more than the regular employee of an organization. Employers can not suddenly say ı resign and leave since that workplace is like their home.
, building a
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capital and most of the society take credits from banks and
leads to high risk from the point of enterprenureships. These are adverse sides of being a
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a Correct article usage
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conclusion, setting up a
can be attractive and provide
doing their own schedule, they can spend more than
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average person, gives a chance to do longer holidays, they do not give an account to anybody but
all these good sides employers have much more
than their employees.
are more sophisticated enough to start their own company, they often lack the knowledge of how to manage the budget. They have to control the finance of the
and make the organization smooth like a working impeller. So setting up a
has trade-offs and it is not a bird in the hand.