Many working people get little or no exercise either during the working day or in their free time, and have health problems as a result. Why do many working people not get enough exercise? What can be done about this problem?

The majority of people who do jobs are very busy in their hectic schedules, and they neither get
on weekdays for fitness exercise
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nor do they have concentration on their health when they are free
, they suffer from many health problems. In
essay, I will shed light on the causes of not doing exertion and how
issue can be solved. To commence with, there are myriad reasons why individuals do not do exercise.
, the working population who are going through full-
busy routine do not get enough
to practice any kind of exercise. Prior to, their work they are very exhausted and tired and are unable to do any tiring task again.
For instance
, in Pakistan doctors are giving advice to their patients to keep themselves fit and healthy,
, those poor people do not get
for their bodies owing to, immensely hard duties. Despite some obvious reasons described ,above there are several actions that government and administration of a department should take, for keeping their employees physically healthy.
To begin
with, in government as well as in private sectors it is the responsibility of the owners to arrange gyms on a small scale. As every person have their lunch break similar there should be a 15 min gym
for every employee. It will not waste their
, because of these exercises every one will be fresh,energetic and active ,and they will do a lot of assignments in a short
, there should be a regular check-up of each and every person in the working area to check deficiency in their body which can be completed by having a balanced diet and supplements. After having discussed the pertinent points related to the subject, it can be inferred that because of short
most of the working people can not do exercises,
, these problems can overcome if government and seniors of the company pay heed to
As a result
, the number of sick leaves will
decrease and the efficiency of work will escalate.
Submitted by drsanaghani on

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Linking words for giving examples:

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  • take, for example

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Time constraints
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Passive leisure activities
  • Workplace wellness programs
  • Active commuting
  • Subsidized
  • Public awareness
  • Health benefits
  • Incentivizing
  • Accessible public spaces
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