While some consider global warming to be the most pressing environment problems which we have at the moment, others believe the deforestation has a more devastating impact on our world. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

It is true that Climate
has been a major concern for many people as it represents an imminent danger for our environment, while some believe that deforestation is a more important issue. In my opinion, cutting
presents a far more dangerous for our ecosystem if we couldn’t take
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quick action to stop it. Let us examine both views before reaching a concrete decision. For many people, climate
and global warming are only connected to greenhouse gasses and carbon emissions. While
may look true as the
in temperatures has many effects
as melting glaciers in the northern and southern poles which results in increased heat waves in summer and freezingly cold winters.
, many coastal areas are vulnerable because of the repeated hurricanes and higher seawater levels that are leading to migration and complete destruction for cities around the world.
On the other hand
, scientists have proved that
play a crucial role in protecting and preserving balance life on earth. As
are complex ecological ecosystems that inhabit thousands of species including animals, trees, fungi, and millions of microorganisms. Cutting
or replacing them with croplands or palm trees will not only endanger these species leading many to extinction
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will put life on earth as a whole in imminent danger.
In addition
to cleaning the air from methane and carbon dioxide and providing us with clean air and oxygen, forest trees and plants emit moisture to clouds that eventually create rain,
For instance
, many countries will suffer from the drought that threatens agriculture and food sustainability. In conclusion, we should understand the importance of protecting
and wildlife as they are directly connected to climate
and global warming with their contributions to our life on earth.
Submitted by ahmed.nour on

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