in their adversising, bussineses nowadays usually emphasise that their products are new in some way. why is this? do you think it is a positive or negative development?

‏Recently, companies insist on introducing their own products and services as it is totally new. Bearing facts in mind a controversial question that might arise is whether it is positive or not. I fundamentally disagree with the notion of too much persistence in advertising.
will be supported by legitimate reasons in
, there is a wildly held view that every kind of advertising, through commercial news, newspaper or magazine or a pinned one on websites, should represent the new but the real features.
In other words
, honestly is the best policy.
, not
companies don’t attract new people but they lose their loyal customers and defame themselves. As Gublo, a glue company pointed out a new capability to glue hard plastics together for the
time in
industry. But
after, the customers complained against it. Gullo lost its credibility.
, emphasizing new characteristics of a product in ads could be counted as a positive development for producers.
is due to the marketing strategy to allure more customers.
, the company would have made a noticeable profit in a short time.
For example
year WhatsApp application announced that it was the
app with a Video Calling feature, surprisingly, 90% of social media users installed it in a glimpse. In conclusion, numerous companies are willing to show the new feature of their commodities in order to attract as much as possible. I believe that
is a negative development when it arose from dishonestly and lying to communities.
Submitted by sarlakd.sign10 on

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