It is irrefutable that, consumerism is one of the imperative factors that affect the economy of a Country.Tons of fake materials
as branded footwear, gadgets and makeup have been sold and bought in a year all over the world. I believe counterfeit products should be banned everywhere.
essay will discuss the causes related to
and provide solutions with supporting examples
, Personal opinions will be provided in detail in the end.
with, the primary reason for buying and selling counterfeit commodities all over the planet is cost-effectiveness.To explain people from middle class or low economic status prefer having items that are affordable rather than luxury stuff .
, a woman who loves luxury bags but can't afford them. If, finds a similar
copy bag in a local shop would definitely going to take purchase that.
to that, a lack of awareness about genuine material among people leads to the growth of these fake industries. a person who doesn't know about the authenticity of a brand will possibly get a fake item from the market.Recent research has shown that 70% of the fake stock available in the market are brought by individuals lacking information about the original quality.So, to sum ,up the cost-effectiveness of a local item and low knowledge about the true commodity are the main root causes of increased trading.
Despite these causes ,
problem can easily be solved
, by implementing strict laws
as patent copyright.To secure the originality of a brand , owners should ensure patenting their creativity from legal organizations to protect their creativity and ideas which can be stolen by anyone in the competition.For ,instance Puma shoes can be copied easily but because of their ,copyright no other company can copy their style.
by creating awareness among society about the fakeness of a product and how to identify them.
it will certainly help in educating the population about original things like advertising about original 24-carat gold taught a lot of individuals about pure gold and how to recognize a fake one.So, to conclude, companies should take patency for their goods and spread educational content regarding their authentic stuff.
In conclusion,
essay has discussed the two main problems along with two quick-fix ways for inflation in trading of duplicate items among individuals each year all over the earth.In my opinion, Government should make strict laws against policy breakers who tries to create duplicacy in the community.Whereas, in the
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future more and more consumers will prefer buying from the original manufacturers.