Some believe that younger family members should be legally responsible for supporting older family members when they become physically, mentally and financially unable to look after themselves. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Liability over senior households that are physically, mentally and financially incapable has been a hot potato. A number of people claim that the responsibility should fall on younger relatives. While
essay completely agrees
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the opinion,
, it still considers the capacity of these junior family
. Some part of the society might argue that these old folks lived longer and intrinsically have longer experience.
gives them a wider perspective when deciding things for themselves or when they are facing problems. Even so,
gradually modernizing world may be beyond their comprehension.
For instance
, they might not know about the profound impact of
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and reject them. At the same time, they may be unable to access knowledge through
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the internet
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as it is a new technology that just came about to existence around fifty years ago.
On the other hand
, junior family
are more well-versed with the ever-changing world. In general, younger generations at least know how to surf websites to search for information even when they are not knowledgeable. They can use online shopping websites to search for the cheapest price,
for example
, in the market or even search for research thesis in Google Scholar.
, any decision that takes place will
be comprehensive and takes every possible factor into account. Psychologically speaking, normal family
love each other in pain and pleasure. When they are in difficulties, they may approve of something that they think
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the best for each of them even when others might argue about it.
that, they
celebrate happy occasions together. They care for each other out of love and most decisions would not be biased. Even when they are in financial difficulties, most of them would cater to their parents
but not least, considering the wisdom of the older generation and the devotion of
Correct your spelling
the younger
generation towards family affairs, I firmly believe that these junior
who are mentally and physically stable should have the legitimacy to take care of their parents.
Submitted by aamsyar777 on

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Linking words for giving examples:

  • for example
  • for instance
  • to illustrate this
  • to give a clear example
  • such as
  • namely
  • to illustrate
  • take, for example

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • filial piety
  • elder care
  • aging population
  • public resources
  • state welfare
  • financial burden
  • legal mandate
  • family dynamics
  • moral responsibility
  • residency
  • integrity
  • dependency
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