Some people believe that companies should be allowed to collect data about customers freely, while others believe this practice should be restricted. Discuss both sides of this issue.

Privacy is an imperative need
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an individual to feel secure. Some believe that organisations should be given permission to take people's
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, others think it should be banned.
essay will discuss the reasons for both views which are the rise in fraud cases and the growing business in detail. On the one hand, companies shouldn't be allowed to receive data from customers because it might breach their privacy.
For example
, nowadays people are getting a lot of fake calls related to their banking information which
are leading
Wrong verb form
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to online bank theft, forgery and so on.
, people become more prone to fraud which can harm them in different ways
as physical, mental and social.So
to conclude
, an organisation should restrict their workers from collecting personal information from buyers.
On the other hand
, industries should be allowed to collect the details from the folks because data collection is the easiest method to research the target population who might be interested in their product or services.
For instance
, a recent study has shown that 90% of
Correct article usage
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companies conduct frequent surveys to know more about their growth and future outcomes. To explain
, knowing about the age group and gender of the consumers
Correct subject-verb agreement
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them in identifying the targeted buyers.So
to sum up
, it's good for an organisation to learn more about their business trajectory. In conclusion, safety is a basic physiological need
that is
everyone's right and
Change the verb form
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discussed both notions
Change preposition
of why
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privacy is a matter of concern and that's why corporations allow or restrict the taking
Change preposition
of the
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client's particulars.
Submitted by jayasingh352 on

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task response
Ensure that each paragraph focuses on a specific point related to the topic. Introduction and conclusion are present but can be more developed to provide a clear overview of the discussion.
coherence and cohesion
Make sure to use transition words to connect ideas within and between paragraphs. Work on organizing the essay more cohesively by connecting ideas logically throughout the response.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • personalized
  • targeted
  • advertising
  • improved
  • products
  • services
  • efficient
  • decision-making
  • invasion
  • privacy
  • misuse
  • security
  • risks
  • manipulation
  • discrimination
  • consent
  • control
  • regulation
  • innovation
  • balance
  • convenience
  • implementing
  • protection
  • transparency
  • accountability
  • ethical
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