In some countries ,more and more people are becoming interested in finding out about the history of the house or building they live in. What are the reasons for this ? How can people research this ?

It is often said that in modern countries, people who live in antique houses want to know about their former inhabitants. There are multiple reasons for it and the aim of
essay is to understand
interest and how the public can gather information about the ones that lived before in their homes.
, nowadays most old buildings are being demolished to give way to neighbourhoods formed by same-looking concrete cubes. The ones who live in a house
of a flat feel special and, of course, are intrigued by those who walked the same corridors as them or slept under the same ceiling years ago.
, they feel that
local culture should be preserved, as well as they hope they will be remembered as well by those who will live there in the future.
That is
a basic human emotion and
trend can not be denied.
, local authorities and organizations are
enrolled on
task and can provide valuable resources for discovering the details of almost any building.
For instance
, councils keep records of addresses and taxpayers that can be very useful in knowing who was there during the
, architectural societies have photographic testimonials about how the city developed through the ages.
that is
an easy way of discovering the names of the particulars who lived there.
, a little talk with the elder neighbours of the area can be a very nice and interesting manner of getting information about the whereabouts and stories of the past inhabitants of any site.
one is the procedure I prefer most.
Submitted by issanfus on

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Structure your answers in logical paragraphs

The easiest way to score well on the IELTS Task 2 writing portion is to structure your writing in a solid essay format.

A strong argument essay structure can be split up into 4 paragraphs, each containing 4 sentences (except the conclusion paragraph, which only contains 3 sentences).

Stick to this essay structure:

  • Paragraph 1 - Introduction
  • Paragraph 2 - First supporting paragraph
  • Paragraph 3 - Second supporting paragraph
  • Paragraph 4 - Conclusion

Discover more tips in The Ultimate Guide to Get a Target Band Score of 7+ »— a book that's free for 🚀 Premium users.

Topic Vocabulary:
  • Historical research
  • Genealogy
  • Architectural styles
  • Heritage
  • Relics
  • Oral history
  • Archival records
  • Museum exhibits
  • Historical societies
  • House tours
  • Renovation projects
  • Original blueprints
  • Careful documentation
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