The continued rise of world's population is the greatest problem faced by humanity at the present time. What are the causes of this continued rise? Do you agree that it is the greatest problem faced by humanity?

In the world we live in today, the significantly increased world population is a vital issue we are facing. I agree with the statement mentioned above because it can cause the demand in the economic rise and provide an unbalanced ecosystem. A large population may seem not a bad habit: Unfortunately, it may cause the nation's stress to survive. There can be the pros in the rising census, but the cons are much higher; a vast natural resources demands in a considerable number in the census will have a significantly harmful scenario in nations profit.
, it is
said that it is passed on the poor individual who is a prime suspect for
because of accelerating on the budget.
For instance
, poor nations have a massive demand for profit-making, and the government cannot deliver appropriately because of overpopulation.
In addition
, having a huge community population can negatively affect the ecosystem. Each individual has responsibility in the cycle of life,
as plants and animals. They have an essential role in society, and an increase in number can have adverse ramifications on the planet.
, attainment of environmental safety may
result in a negative effect.
For example
, in our rice field, my father is devastated because there are scenes of a massive pest in the field, and an enormous number of rats make our rice invaluable and cannot be sold. In conclusion, I strongly agree that overpopulation causes a problem because of the economic surge and adverse effects on the ecosystem.
Submitted by brainfreeze on

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