Nowadays many people choose to be self-employed rather than to work for a company or organization. What might be this case? What could be the disadvantages of being self-employed?

It is commonly believed that some people tend to be freelancers,while others hold the opposite point of
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as with a company or organization.
essay will discuss the causes of
scarcity as well as possible solutions to the problem and
about the negative impacts of being self-employed.
On the other hand
, some people believe that becoming a boss of their own company can gain a large amount of profit.
For example
,in Canada, 70% of the community have started their own businesses after graduating from college and becoming successful.
In other words
, by doing a business,can show their talent like creativity, accounting skills as well as communication skills.
On the other hand
, there are some drawbacks associated with hand starting a new corporation has a high risk which can not tolerate if it fails. Because starting a new firm needs a lot of money, human resources and property. But the profit is not only dependent on the resources but
on other environmental factors that we can’t change
as pandemics, countries' financial stability and wars,
the businesswoman has huge responsibilities which are relevant to employees and the income of the firm.
For example
, the most famous businesswoman in China named Jane Jie Sun, CEO, of has huge responsibilities and financial risks than the person who gets their salary. In conclusion, I believe that some people choose to be self-employed rather than to work for a company or organization.
In contrast
, freelancers
have negative impacts
as financial risk and huge responsibilities.
Submitted by kyp.atthajariya on

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