It has been universally acknowledged that the problem of polluting the environment is escalating at a daunting rate ,particularly in urban areas in the current age due to plenty of means of transportation that are not green and efficient.
problem has been of a depressing magnitude. Linking Words
a plethora of sensible mitigations Linking Words
to encounter the burning problems.
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, the government should take crucial decisions to control environmental pollution through robust management actions and control implements in order to protect the climate. Linking Words
For instance
, limits motor vehicles that emit excess CO2 by implementing laws and regulations. Linking Words
, local administration should impose a heavy penalty on the citizen to restrict the usage of Linking Words
transportation that pollute the wind and habitat. Linking Words
, public authorities should emphasize the importance of the consumption of public transport Linking Words
of owning or private vehicle for travel. Linking Words
in addition
the authority should plant trees in order to protect the climate and Linking Words
encourage citizens to use a cycle for a short distance. Linking Words
on the other hand
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as Pakistan increasingly emphasize the importance of planting trees through a ministry campaign on media and newspaper eventually millions of people contribute plants and trees.
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, there is a need of shifting the consumer trend to green and environmentally efficient products by implanting and announcing incentives in terms of relief and taxation deduction for automobile industries. Linking Words
consumption fossil fuels should be substituted with green resources. To illustrate Pakistan state offered taxation relaxation for producing more environmentally friendly cars Linking Words
as reducing the sales tax and income tax as well import duties of green energy products. on the other palm manufacturing setup in ,city areas have increasingly damaged the environment Linking Words
companies need to produce fewer gases that directly impact the air by implementing air hazard control systems.
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, to wrap up without any doubt in the light of abovementioned suggestions the atmosphere pollution can be minimized Linking Words
politics should encourage the business community and industries as well individual should go hand in hand to combat the burning issues of atmospheric pollution.Linking Words