Some people believe that unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high school programmes (for example working for a charity, improving the neighbourhood or teaching sports to younger children). To what extent do you agree or disagree?

As a matter of fact
Correct word choice
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students are faced with
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stressful study or examinations at school.
, the idea that all high-school students should be forced to get involved in community service will help them release stress and get back their energy. In my point of view, I am convinced with
opinion for some reasons mentioned in
essay. On the one hand, it is undeniable that a hectic schedule at school almost consumes the majority of their time. From my observation, they spend at least eight hours attending lectures and other hours in tutorial classes.
that, all parents set high expectations of their children's academic performance resulting in extreme pressure being put on their shoulders. In fact, many undergraduates have to stay up too late in order to complete all assignments given. The higher
Correct article usage
the expectation
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is, the more strain they experience.
In addition
, most learners are taught in a competitive environment where they are encouraged to compete with each other to draw the attention of lecturers and society's recognition.
, mental disorders have become more serious and there were a few severe cases that need experts’ help.
On the other hand
, some activities are believed to be helpful as they lessen the stress and negative feelings and contribute greatly to their success in academic fields.
, charitable activities should be organized
as preparing and providing free meals to the poor will make them appreciate what they have currently
Verb problem
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and feel more empathetic toward the privileged.
, planting trees along the streets or collecting rubbish on weekends
brings many benefits. Evidently, children will have more chances to collaborate with their peers to create a beautiful and clean neighbourhood.
, senior students can demonstrate their sports skills that inspire
as well as
help junior ones to be keener on doing sports. In short, nowadays children are suffering a massive load of study in school that has negatively affected their physical and emotional health. Educators and parents should collaborate and generate a lot of programs that assist them to overcome unexpected stress and comprehensively evolve.
Submitted by ieltswritingcheckp on

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task response
To improve task response, ensure that each paragraph directly addresses the topic and clearly presents arguments for or against the idea of unpaid community service being compulsory in high school programmes.
coherence and cohesion
For coherence and cohesion, work on organizing your ideas more effectively within paragraphs and transitions between paragraphs. Make sure each paragraph flows logically from one to the next, and use clear linking words and phrases to connect ideas.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • compulsory
  • high school programmes
  • unpaid community service
  • charity
  • improving the neighbourhood
  • teaching sports
  • sense of responsibility
  • empathy
  • broader perspective
  • societal issues
  • college applications
  • job applications
  • positive impact
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