It is widely known that many people do not regard to elderly,
they are not provided with enough public facilities to support their life. Overall, I would say that the weakness of elder people is the main reason whereas the high risk of physical and mental regression could be the effects of the phenomenon.
In my opinion, the main reason that could be considered is most of the elderly have a high level of dependency. It could be the reason due to their disability to control their physical and mental health, which are related to cognitive and affective disturbances. Linking Words
For instance
, my parent and my grandparent are older folk with incredible problems every single day so the primary caregiver should involve in all aspects Linking Words
as preparing food, personal hygiene, and self-care. Linking Words
, as family members, my parents could not join some occasions actively as they have osteoporosis or osteoarthritis conditions. Linking Words
, the public did not respect and realised the presence of my parents.
The effects of Linking Words
phenomenon are the more society do not help and provide the facility for the older population around them, the more worst their physical and mental health conditions among them. It is due to the lack of support systems that are needed during the rest of their life. Linking Words
For example
, in Malang, most public facilities are provided to support many activities for children, teenagers, and young adults. Linking Words
, only a few facilities are available for the older population and the primary caregiver.
Another effect is mental regression among them could happen more often because they did not get any stimulation from society. It is Linking Words
an incredible moment when the elderly are ignored by the community and psychological issues might happen like depression and agitation. Linking Words
In addition
, the government as the policymaker should have coordinate with the elderly organization to socialize the importance of regard for the older community as a positive value for human beings.
In conclusion, a high level of dependency on the elderly might be the one that causes the public to have less respect for the group. Meanwhile, the group is really relying on the younger community to fulfil their basic human needs. Linking Words
, the understanding regarding mental and physical conditions should be introduced to the public in order to help each other.Linking Words