day and age, automobiles are the main source of transportation for many households. Though they provide convenience and reliability, they are affecting the climate and come with health hazards to many. Herein, I will discuss some ideas on how to improve our environment as well as how to encourage people to be mindful in their usage of vehicles.
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As a result
of the ever-changing and fast-paced lifestyle of humans, we have become heavily dependent on machines that can help us to do the work, reach a place, save time and at the same time as well as provide comfort. But alas these machines are proven to be major contributors to global warming which affects the world we live in and ruins the surroundings with air pollution. Linking Words
, resulting in dramatic climate changes and ecological mortality. Not only that, these vehicles becoming a hindrance to humans’ well-being by making them used to not moving their bodies, which in turn is causing health issues like obesity, diabetes etc.
In order to improve our habitat and well-being, the government should encourage the public to use public transportation like buses or metros Linking Words
of individual vehicles. Linking Words
, we can Linking Words
encourage, companies to build machines that run on electricity rather than on fuel, by which we can drastically decrease the number of gases that are being exhausted in the atmosphere by fuel. Linking Words
, we can educate people about the benefits that come from simple exercise like walking 15mintues a day.
In conclusion, if we can educate people about the health benefits and atmospheric betterment that can be achieved by limiting automobile consumption, we can make our world a better place to live for the generations to come.Linking Words
Leena Kapoor