In some countries there are more yung people choosing to enrol in work-based training instead of attending university. Do the advantages of this situation outweigh the disadvantages?

These days, education in the real workplace is becoming significant. Many teenagers in some countries seem to be more interested in job-based training than enrolling in
. Personally, I believe that there are numerous benefits for both situations. I will analyse both perspectives in the essay.
To begin
with, the
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of the training course is that young people nowadays tend to achieve more real experience in their career, so they selected to attend work-based training.
means that they will derive essential lessons to extend their knowledge.
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, they would face many problems, which could never be taught in a classroom and they have to solve these problems by themselves.
, there is no need to spend several years at the
to get a degree.
In other words
, it leads to getting a fast result, which is
important in today’s world competition to get a position.
On the other hand
, the interesting thing about the
, the
gives people more opportunities to choose a good occupation, so they have a high salary and the possibility of improving their education with a Master's degree in the future. While other students who take courses in work-based learning cannot gain these
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For instance
, in some companies, they might start in a small position because they do not have a bachelor’s degree. In summary, it is undeniable that there are many advantages of work-based training, but I believe the benefits of
education are greater, as they are able to have
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and obtain an experience from the lessons that they have learned and chosen by their choices, and teenagers
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able to earn a good salary from their career.
Submitted by nmnngii on

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