Keeping a clean environment is the ultimate responsibility of every human. A number of countries facing more challenges in maintaining the purity of natural resources.
essay will discuss a few problems faced by them and some possible steps to overcome Linking Words
type of problem.
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, a country’s population plays a major role to decide the needs of its natural resources like land, water and air. Many countries failed to maintain a clean environment because the people who live in a society are not aware of Linking Words
importance. Linking Words
, Government Linking Words
gives priority to other areas like economic development, technology expansion, etc. Even though they are considering these essential and due to competition with other nations' economies they failed to take initiative. . Linking Words
For instance
, in India to develop corporate technology, the union permitted a private company to take agricultural land for chemical research.
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, building a clean territory and maintaining it was the ultimate responsibility of the people as well as the government. People should aware of the impact of a shortage of these basic resources. They should use less transport to avoid air pollution and usage of water for unnecessary purposes to save water. Linking Words
, the ministry Linking Words
started to take steps to safeguard these essentials. Linking Words
For example
, in Delhi state authority runs buses without charge to avoid the public from using their own vehicle which is really a good initiative to save the purity of air.
To sum up, some countries are struggling to keep a clean environment. It is the right time to take initiative and to think about our responsibility to save our earth.Linking Words