With the improvements in today’s health care, society has to care for more and more elderly people. Do you feel that society will be able to cope with the increase in numbers of elderly people today and how can it be managed? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.

There is a debate that the health care equity for old people may result in the overpopulation of
age category. I believe that society will encounter many problems in the future. I will explore the potential issues and give appropriate solutions with
explanations. As far as the ageing of the population is concerned, pension facilities will burden considerably the government.
For example
, retired individuals profit from health insurance and other benefits that the government offers.
, with the improvement in the health system, their life expectancies will increase resulting in more and more costs. Another drawback is the low rates of workforce led by the process of ageing.
In other words
, the elderly cannot provide the community with efficient human resources.
, plenty of companies might experience a
Fix the agreement mistake
lack of
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workforce. To tackle these problems, there are several suggestions. One solution is that the authorities apply specific laws
on letting
Change preposition
to let
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some old patients decide on their life continuity.
For instance
could be applied to lethal diseases
as cancer or dementia. Decision-making and opting to live or not are parts of human rights and must be seen by healthcare providers and activists. As for human resources, employers are advised to consider potential young employees for in-service training.
As a result
active group would replace the old workforce gradually and efficiently.
, new employment can cause additional expenses for the government.
To sum up
, today’s development, in curing diseases can bring plenty of consequences to society. I reckon that there should be significant awareness and readiness to cope with the mentioned situation in the future.
Submitted by maryam.pourshirazi on

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task response
In the introduction, clearly state your position on whether society will be able to cope with the increase in elderly population. Additionally, provide a clear thesis statement that previews the main points of your essay.
coherence and cohesion
Ensure that each paragraph is logically connected to the next, providing smooth transitions between ideas. Use linking words and phrases to improve coherence and cohesion.
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