Some peoole think goverments should spend as much money as possible exploring outer space.Others think goverments should spend this money for our basic needs on earth.Which of these two opinions do you agree with?

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Few believe that democracies should spend more expenditure on discovering new life on other planets,while others trust that governments should spend
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money on earth for the basic amenities of the
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.I personally think that government should give equal priority to each other.In
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essay,I will discuss both these views and give my opinion. On the positive side,space exploration involves launching
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in the earth's orbit,which helps to predict climatic changes and natural disasters on the earth.
As a result
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,major economic loss can be prevented by gathering
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types of data from
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For example
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,a tsunami occurred in India in 2004, and major deaths and economic losses are prevented by the usage of
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used in the military for security purposes.They help in the surveillance of border areas,which helps security forces face the threat posed by enemies.
For instance
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,in 1970 large scale Pakistan in Jammu&Kashmir was prevented by the use of the
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. On the negative side,
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spending in a lavish manner.As these expenditure does not fulfil the basic amenities of the
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like food,water and other needs.
As a result
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view it as a waste of money and
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become angry.They
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claim that it has no tangible gains for the poor.
For example
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,countries like developing nations spend as much double on space exploration as the necessary needs of humans. In conclusion,I understand that space exploration is of paramount importance in world technology,but it does not overweigh the basic needs of the
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.So,I personally think that both should be given equal importance.

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