Many people are of the opinion that the government of a country should provide the funds necessary to carry out research and experiments
of a non-governmental institution. Linking Words
essay totally agrees with that statement. I believe that the government possess a greater capacity to fund Linking Words
investigations and Linking Words
can provide employment opportunities for its citizens in the process.
The people of a nation are obligated to pay taxes depending on how much they earn. These taxes contribute to the gross domestic product (GDP) which is used to create a budget for improvements for that country. Linking Words
As a result
, the authorities are in a better position to provide the expenses for large scale experiments as they can allocate billions, unlike private companies. Linking Words
For instance
, a study involving agricultural produce Linking Words
that is
harmful to individuals can be productive when done bigger rather than small scale farming.
Linking Words
, governmental regulatory bodies which are required to control and regulate activities and ethics of any research can do so on a larger scale than non-governmental organizations which in turn provides employment opportunities for the citizens. Linking Words
For example
, the national drug law enforcement agency(NDLEA) and the national agency for food and drugs administration and control (NAFDAC) in Nigeria receive funding from the government in order to be operational. Linking Words
, these organizations can employ young graduates in certain fields related to the research topic and achieve groundbreaking discoveries.
In conclusion, Linking Words
private organizations play a significant role in scientific studies and discoveries, I believe that the state should be responsible for the expenses incurred during Linking Words
surveys. Every nation has enough funds that can be budgeted and put into good use and create jobs for individuals of the said country.Linking Words