Your friend was supposed to visit you soon, but due to some personal problems you can’t meet him / her on the specified date. Write a letter to him or her explaining the situation. In your letter, you have to: – Apologise to your friend. – Explain why it’s not possible to meet now. – Suggest an alternative date for the meeting.

Dear john I am writing
letter to express my inability to not be able to keep my promise to meet you on the decided date under some unavoidable circumstances. Kindly accept my heartfelt apology for
change in plan. Let me explain actually what insisted me do so. you are aware that my mother isn't well for a while and two days ago suddenly she complained about severe pain in her leg. We hurriedly admitted her to the hospital where the doctor advised her to keep her under treatment for four more days
she may lose her ability to walk ever. Looking at the severity of the moment, I cancelled all my future plans including ours, to stay here with mom. I hope you would understand my situation and forgive me for spoiling our trip,
unwittingly. I request you to meet me
Thursday, if possible for you as I would be absolutely free
. Now if that doesn't suit you, feel free to suggest any new date and time. Once again, I am feeling sorry for the
-minute delay in our plan and seek your apology. Write to me about what you think of the get-together in the future. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Thanks and regards Vijay
Submitted by lvpreetxsmax on

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