Throughout decades numerous technological inventions have appeared that enhanced human beings` lives significantly. Whereas some of them tend to assume that
progress has only advantages, others seem to believe that the addiction to diverse electrical devices is becoming dramatically stronger.
Living in a technological era people are accustomed to exploiting gadgets whenever it is possible. Using modern facilities, appliances, and amenities, they have an opportunity to save a huge amount of time to dedicate to self-improvement. Linking Words
For instance
, Linking Words
of wasting time doing the laundry or Linking Words
washing up, a person might spend a few hours remaining either reading books, watching scientific videos on the Internet or any other activities to gain new knowledge. Correct article usage
, both younger and older generations can realize their potential by economising and organising daily routines with the use of special technology for those purposes.
Since new technologies are exploited for many hours daily, it might seem to be that users are addicted to them. Gadgets have become an inseparable part of people's routine, Linking Words
, somebody devotes almost all their free time to Linking Words
them. Change the form of the verb
uncontrolled utilization leads to many negative consequences Linking Words
as mental disorders, work issues, and neglect of families and friends. More and more people suffer from anxiety, and depression these days. Linking Words
, Linking Words
a habit bounds in a decrease in population intelligence.
All things considered, Linking Words
the flourishing of technologies benefits users` efficiency, it has many drawbacks as well. I strongly believe that there is a necessity in reducing the impact of technology on human beings` existence. Not only does it have an effect on social behaviour, but Linking Words
might influence a person's intelligence.Linking Words