Some People claims that not enough of the waste from homes is recycled. They say that the only way to increase recycling is for governments to make it a legal requirement. To what extent do you think law are needed to make people recycle more of their waste?

It is commonly assumed that household rubbishes are not properly managed,
, the residents mentioned that the government ought to compose the
to result in a proper waste system. In my opinion, I truly agree with the statement that sometimes people are not genuinely responsive and
did not contemplate the far-reaching consequences of their behaviours.
To begin
with, the citizens dispose the unwanted items from home carelessly without filtering whether general wastes or recycle ones and
as a result
, it can be hard to recycle and have a profoundly devastating impact on the environment.
, the participation from the states is definitely essential to constrain their actions by setting the
including sending a warning letter and filling a fine to them. By doing so, the awareness will be increased as people only take it seriously when it comes to costs them.
In addition
, the regulations from the organization are mandatory in
recycling system since the residents may throw their miscellaneous household items outside of their houses
of the designated recycling area if there are no
, it can enable the inconvenience caused to their neighbours, and
the undesired quarrels may happen among them.
, the authorities' support is truly needed to allocate the root cause of the problems and set strict
to prevent the repetition of similar problems. In conclusion, it is irrefutable that legal involvement is surely required when it is related to the recycling of the wastes because people do not take serious actions until there are
and regulations in place.
Submitted by maythe.hlaing90 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • mandate
  • compliance
  • penalties
  • incentives
  • tax reductions
  • rebates
  • educational campaigns
  • awareness
  • community programs
  • local initiatives
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