Over recent years, there have been new changes in job patterns in the modern community and today, many people earn money via the internet from home. In my essay, I will discuss both the advantages and disadvantages associated with
trend. Linking Words
, I will explore how our money and time can be saved by working online and Linking Words
, I will share the disadvantages of Linking Words
Linking Words
To begin
with, those who world via the internet have more leisure because they do not need to travel somewhere, Linking Words
for example
, to the office. Linking Words
In addition
, it helps people plan their schedule carefully and accurately, which gives them a lot of options. I am an English tutor and I myself determine the degree of employment and freelance workload. On top of that, by working from home a person can be as focused as possible on work due to the absence of distractions around, Linking Words
as office colleagues. Linking Words
, an individual becomes more productive and performs his duties much faster.
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, there are a lot of distractions in online work, Linking Words
for instance
, family members, household chores, problems with electricity, food, social networks, outside sounds and many other factors. No one can deny, that all of them make it difficult to concentrate on the process and not to be distracted every time by something. Linking Words
For example
, I am a student and when I study at home I am diverted by my family obligations and noise, as well as, the constant arrival of guests at our house. Because of these, I often feel stressed and unable to focus on something as I always think about the tasks that need to be completed in time. And when a person has a sedentary lifestyle, he loses the ability to communicate with others and Linking Words
leads to isolation. Linking Words
For instance
, during COVID-19 I very rarely left the house and talked to people a little. Linking Words
As a result
, it led to the fact that I turned from a talker into a taciturn human and now long conversations make me tired
In conclusion, there is a great number of both the advantages and disadvantages of working online and in my opinion, Linking Words
is a very positive trend taking place today.Linking Words