A friend has agreed to look after your house and pet while you are on holiday. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter • give contact details for when you are away • give instructions about how to care for your pet • describe other household duties Write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows: Dear .....................

Dear Happiness
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dear friend
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been a while without
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from you due to
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a change
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of contacts. I am writing
letter to provide you with full information regarding the house and how to look after Snoopy. As you know that l will be away for a long time, l would like to give you my new contacts, so that will can be in touch and keep me posted on what's popping around during my holiday. Here are my new contacts 0773372209 you can send a message anytime. Snoopy is so lovely and amazing as you know him. He doesn't need full attention, only you need is to master his time when it comes to feeding. I would like you to clean the house twice a week,
re arrange
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the dining room and remove the clutter behind the tables. Please ensure all doors are closed for security
Fix the agreement mistake
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. There is
a garden attendant who will be around every weekend, please give him instructions so that the garden is kept well. I can't really wait to hear from you Happy, lots of love and pass my greetings to the rest of the family. Regards your lovely friend.
Submitted by marthandlovu on

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