There is an ongoing debate as to whether the advantages of advertising to attract
to buy things are still valid.
While othersCorrect word choice
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argue that it does not affect
’s decisions anymore.
the advertisement has proven considerably successful in general, I
would Verb problem
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believe that
are more cautious about purchasing because of the improvement of new knowledge and innovative
systemFix the agreement mistake
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to avoid too much spending.
On the one hand, advertising is considered an important tool to attract
in the modern world since the advancement of new technology has emerged and developed plenty of platforms for sellers to use
for reachingChange preposition
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, the progression of technology comes
complex marketing strategies which establish more promotions in terms of increasing sales and targeting new
. It cannot be denied that the tactics which have been used in the advertising industry do not affect consumers’ decisions as they are often lured by fascinating ads and attractive messages.
usually pay attention to discounted products and special campaigns which businesses establish on special occasions
introducing a new line of goods.
, data analytics has become increasingly popular among sellers in order to precisely predict
the Correct article usage
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’ behaviours. Taking social media providers as an example, for several years, Facebook and Line
inventWrong verb form
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intelligent ways to target new
by analyzing the data on their serviced pages and
they attempt to send particular ads that align with buyers’ interests.
, some consumers end up overspending with a wider range of products being recommended to them by those technologies.
, some
argue that the widespread of advertising has no longer affected
making Verb problem
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choices as they get used to the truth of the competitive world where a large number of adverts has
extensivelyAdd a missing verb
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distributed among societies. A new set of knowledge and review systems
haveCorrect subject-verb agreement
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been beneficial for consumers in the way that they can correctly make decisions and take caution on every single purchase. Particularly, most buyers read the
reviewFix the agreement mistake
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on the products before making a final judgment on whether it is worth buying or not.
, the development of technology has
come with more choices to give a better solution for
in order to avoid those repetitive adverts.
, YouTube usually pops up some adverts before and in between videos forcing viewers to watch them, but
is not the case anymore as buyers can
enable to Verb problem
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skip those and continue enjoying videos.
, these can automatically reduce the crucial role of ads in encouraging shoppers to spend more than they want when it comes to the present day.
In conclusion, I believe that advertisements can still be a successful tool for persuading
to buy goods and services but cannot impact sales as same as in the past since purchasers can apply a smart way to avoid the negative effects of those advertisements by selecting on their spendings more wisely and more worthily.