Some people believe that it is best to accept a bad situation, such as an unsatisfactory job or shortage of money. Others argue that it is better to try and improve such situations. Disccuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Whether accepting an unsatisfying choice or trying to make some changes is close to
's hearts. In my opinion,
should make every effort to find out a way to tackle the problem. Admittedly,
might argue that compared to changing the environment, accepting it is a more sensible choice.
To begin
have to sacrifice some interests in order to enjoy the merits.
For example
, it is universally acknowledged that an apprentice gains far less than an experienced worker. In
case, the efforts,
as changing a job, are futile since no employer is willing to pay a high salary to a freshman.
, to be more professional in a field and
gain a financially attractive income, it is better to accept the relatively low earnings at present.
, when
are trying to adjust their position, they might find that it could be an opportunity for them to improve themselves.
For instance
might complain about the demanding job and backbreaking tasks, though they could become a more qualified employee who is good at time management and task processing during the arduous process, which is instrumental to their career prospects.
, I tend to claim that troubles serve as stimulation and
are encouraged to solve them.
of all, the unpleasant position could be a chance for
to realize the difference between reality and goals.
For instance
, if a person is not satisfied with the salary, he could enhance his skills before receiving an ideal job.
, the thought of changing the climate plays a dominant[profound/beneficial] role in promoting the progress of society, since
to be more energetic and innovative which is favourable to the breakthrough of bottlenecks which many fields might encounter. In conclusion, my firm conviction is that it is more advisable to come up with a solution and address the problem since
encourages a more creative thinking method and is conducive to a prosperous society.
Submitted by monicahe0211 on

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