You have received a letter from your bank, asking you to acknowledge receipt of a new bank card. However, the card was missing from the envelope. Write a letter to the bank's head office. In your letter: • explain why you are writing • express concern about the missing card • ask them what they intend to do
Dear Sir,
I, Kuljeet Kaur, an account-holder in your bank branch with savings account number 428xxxxxxxxxx. had received a letter from your side to acknowledge receipt of a new bank
Use synonyms
, there was no Linking Words
in the envelope which was delivered to me. All documents except the Use synonyms
were present in it. Due to the above-mentioned reason, I cannot write an acknowledgement letter. Use synonyms
, I visited the branch and stand in queue for long hours yet I get no response.
I am worried that the lost Linking Words
will put me in a dangerous situation. It might cause trouble for me what if it is misused? Will the bank be responsible for that loss?
I want you to put the lost Use synonyms
on hold so that no one can use it and my account would be safe. Use synonyms
, I Linking Words
want you to issue a fresh Linking Words
to me.
Hope you will look into Use synonyms
matter with seriousness.
Yours Faithfully,
Kuljeet Kaur.Linking Words
Submitted by kuljeetkaur19941 on
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