Dear Sir/Madam,
Hello, I wish everything could be all right.
I am writing
letter because I saw an advertisement on the paper sheet, and know you need a babysitter to take after of your kid for six months, so I wanted to get Linking Words
job because I majored in nursing at university. Linking Words
, when I was a student at university, I lived with my classmate who had a three-year-old boy and usually I had to take after her baby.
Linking Words
In addition
, I have some experience in Linking Words
job. I was a teacher in the kinder garden because I have the qualifications to train children. Linking Words
, I studied nursing but I can play the piano, do exercise in the swimming pool and speak France and Spanish, so in six months I am going to teach these activities to your child if you wanted.
In my leisure time, I spend time watching films and series or reading books. sometimes I go to the park for walking or go to the swimming pool for exercising.
If there are other questions, please call me.
Mozhde Zand.Linking Words