It is said that digital innovation has drastically changed our daily life the transformation continues for the time being. There is no shortage of the debate that whether newspapers or books will be completely replaced by online content in the
. I completely agree with the statement and believe that Use synonyms
prediction becomes true. I feel Linking Words
way for two reasons, which I will explore in the following essay.
Linking Words
, it is absolutely convenient to read articles online. Take my case Linking Words
for example
. I commute by train 5 days per week, which is tiring and troublesome. Riding a train during Linking Words
peak hours is horrible since people are packed like a can of sardine. There is no space to open a printed material, Correct article usage
as an English vocabulary book or newspaper. Linking Words
, a smartphone or kindle tablet is small enough to read, so I can make the best use of Linking Words
a boring morning time. Linking Words
, digital devices can adapt to any type of lifestyle and Linking Words
more mobility than papers.
Add a missing verb
have way
, we are responsible for the Linking Words
environment. Use synonyms
For instance
, in Africa, 70% of existing forests are destroyed by deforestation every year. It is urged all over the world that necessary solutions should be implemented as soon as we can so that the nature of the earth is preserved. If we kept manufacturing papers, the precious environment would be devastated in the near Linking Words
. In conclusion, reading books or news online is eco-friendly behaviour, which makes a substantial contribution to conserving forests.
To summarize, online material brings benefits to both a well-diversified modern lifestyle and the environment. It is Use synonyms
clearly said that digital devices will be emphasized more and more than printed resources and that the argument that no one will buy paper books or newspapers in the Linking Words
does hold water completely. After a thorough analysis of Use synonyms
topic, it is predicted that the positive effects of digital transformation will always be greater than the adverse effects, and because of Linking Words
, I totally agree with the idea.Linking Words