In their advertising, businesses nowadays usually emphasise that their products are new in some way. Why is this? Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

It is true that at present, most business
underscore that their commodities are new in some respect.There could be several reasons behind
but in my opinion, a highly competitive modern market is the reason and I think it is a mostly positive development. It is quite reasonable to assume that competitiveness in present business sectors is one of the main driving forces behind
trend.Since the number of enterprises and companies are proliferated during the
few decades, most of the common items can be purchased easily from most supermarkets or shops with roughly identical qualities and features.
, the general public unknowingly desires uniqueness and innovations.
For example
, the introduction of artificial paints shook the global market several decades ago,when people have to use natural dyes for colouring.
phenomenon clearly exemplifies that success can be achieved even amidst the common products
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if a new method is applied in some way.
there may be some minor drawbacks, I perceive the idea of businesses being enthusiastic to search for breakthroughs and presenting some new methods in
generally as a positive development.If the
remain true to their words and shed fraudulent notions, it simply means that they have discovered something new.It
promotes other companies to thrive for other new inventions and
could be fruitful for society as a whole.
For instance
, the competitiveness of the companies working on groundbreaking products to include in
and present to the viewers might bring more advanced products both in terms of technology and convenience. Overall, the emergence of several enterprises lead to
phenomenon and due to the overwhelming benefit of persuading to innovate,
can be considered
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a positive trend.
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Topic Vocabulary:
  • emphasise
  • advertising
  • products
  • innovation
  • competitive strategy
  • consumer dissatisfaction
  • value
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