The best way to solve the world's environmental problem is to increase the price of fuel. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

While many people believe that the most effective mode to tackle the global environmental issue is to raise the cost of
, I strongly disagree with the idea and think that there are more beneficial ways. In the following paragraph, both of these viewpoints will be discussed in detail before the conclusion is reached. On the one hand, the main reason that people say that the best method to handle the world's environmental problem is that there are numerous activities in our daily lives that involve depleting and at the same time, have harmful effects on the earth. To illustrate, while we are driving a car, the
in the car like petrol or gasoline is burnt.
As a result
, the fume released from our cars will travel into the atmosphere and cause global warming.
, nowadays, tremendous industries around the world generally utilize a large
of machines which use
to operate and can emit hazardous gas like Sulfurdioxine that has terrible effects on our planet.
On the other hand
, one of the obvious reasons that I think that there are better measures is that we suppose to conserve animals in the world.
In other words
, these days, the industrial sector generally dumps a
of trash on the sea and the ocean. As a consequence, tonnes of marine creatures become extinct.
, we should raise awareness of the preservation of marine animals. On top of that, humans play a crucial role in the reduction of forests all over the globe.
That is
to say, a large
of people do deforestation which results in a decrease in the
of trees which can help to capture carbon dioxide. Thereby, we should educate citizens to realize the value of trees. To summarize, there are a lot of reasons why folk think that elevating the price of
is the best way to deal with ecological threats, I personally disagree with
notion and believe that there are more effective ways.
Submitted by yanaphon.t on

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