Some children spend hours every day on their phones.Why is this the case?Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

Spending a large amount of
on the phone is becoming commonplace for everyone,especially for young people.There could be several reasons for
,and I consider it to be a negative trend in a long run. There are various reasons why teenagers waste too much
on telephones and
like technologies.The
and foremost cause is that nowadays parents are spending less
with their kids than ever before.They are too busy to have some quality
with their own son and daughters.Because of high pressure at work and exhaustion after work
,they just prefer to have some rest.
As a result
,children are becoming addicted to their cell
because playing with their
is the one and only fun that they can have at home.Another factor that leads to phone addiction is the entertaining features which
can offer including a range of
,social media platforms and so on.These various types of programmers are created specifically to attract more and more children.
In other words
,increasing the number of users is their primary goal.
That is
why they do not care whether your kid is becoming addicted to
or not.They even offer different incentives if you keep on playing.If you play one of those
,you will start becoming obsessed and
you can not stop. It is true that
are giving lots of opportunities like communication and easy access to lots of data.
,we are faced with a foreseeable and fortunate consequence due to their reliance on
technologies.And teenagers are suffering more than anyone.Because of their dependence,kids are losing their chance to interact with their peers.They are being isolated and introverted day by day.If
keeps happening,children will face difficulties in adapting to society in the future and in the end, they might have problems in their professional and private lives. By way of conclusion, I once reaffirm that having less quality
with their parents and various types of
are resulting in phone addiction among kids.Due to relationship problems that might occur in the future,teenagers should be restricted to use them so often.
Submitted by uluga2002 on

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