You are due to start a new job next week but you will not be able to because you have some problems. Write a letter to your new employer. In your letter: explain your situation describe your problems tell him/her when you think you can start

Dear sir, My name is Anuj and I am the newly appointed employee of your company on the vacant post of advertisement adviser. Here, I am writing to inform you that I am not able to start my allotted work right now because of temporarily physically unfit. The main reason behind
delay is that I met with an accident when I was coming back home after attending a friend's birthday party yesterday. Actually when I was on the way an Overspeed car collided with my bike from behind, fortunately, I only met with some scratches on my face and hands , but the doctor prescribed me to take complete bed rest for one week as there are some internal injuries as well. Due to
, I have a problem whilst inhaling. I would appreciate your work if you wait for one week.
, I am
extremely excited to work with your company, so, without any
delay, I will definitely join you after one week right now. I am looking forward to replying from you positively . Yours faithfully, ANUJ
Submitted by anujsiwach42 on

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