In their advertising,businesses nowadays usually emphasise that their products are new in some way. why is this?do you think it is positive or negative development?

modern era, plenty of various businesses are affected by broadcasting;
, they opt to consider their
new in several aspects while advertising.In
essay,the primary reason for
case called consumerism will be discussed;
,I will its downside. consumerism plays a pivotal role in persuading people to buy the latest
.As is commonly known,everyone we know tends to buy the newest release of a company due to their point of view,resulting in unaware customers who only care about a product's release date.
,businesses have found out that the most efficient way in order to convince people to purchase their
would be emphasising on it's newest features.
For instance
, Apple company has been using
method for many years and it worked as well.
In other words
,companies have become familiar with
widespread behaviour among communities. Unfortunately,
persuasive method will pose horrendous impacts on society,leading to consumers who do not care about quality.Despite the fact that buying the latest versions has a magnificent feeling,we should
think about their quality.If the customers had
knowledge,producers would have focused on their material.To give a clear example,the fashion industry,not only has not improved but it
destructed its achievements
as a result
of making updated clothes. To sum up,an increasing number of associations use broadcasting and commercial only to mention that they have produced something new.The most significant reason must be consumerism spreading all over the world.
In addition
,the lack of quality in many
is caused by the mentioned case.Anyway,I am looking forward to whether companies will be willing to change their advertisements in future or not.
Submitted by askariali.king on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • emphasise
  • advertising
  • products
  • innovation
  • competitive strategy
  • consumer dissatisfaction
  • value
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