Nowadays, more and more people decide to have children later in their life. What are the reasons? Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

day and age, there has been a growing tendency for
to choose their
of having babies later than those in the past.
a trend is accompanied by several causes and from my perspective, the benefits do overshadow the demerits. There exist 2 fundamental reasons leading to the mentioned conduct.
tend to fulfil their obligations and pursue their occupational goals before having children.
is mainly because of the rapidly developing society that increases both
’s work-related ambitions as well as the cost of living, which directs them toward gaining achievements or having a stable financial status before settling down for pregnancy.
normally opt for spending more
relaxing and enjoying their precious lives. Despite its incredible value,bringing up a child does require a great deal of
, effort and pressure, which may deter
from getting rest after hours of working or caring for themselves.
As a result
, they are likely to decide to have babies later, after they fully enjoy their precious lives. The fact that more
leaning toward entering parenthood late has 2 main merits which outweigh its drawbacks.The
one is that individuals can be allowed more
before being parents.
enables them to obtain money as well as life experience, which will be impeccable tools to completely handle the situation when babies arrive
as dealing with paper, paying education fees and many other responsibilities. Another advantage
trend brings about is that parents can create thorough nurturing plans for their children, which may be of great benefit to their maturation.
For instance
, my friend, Tom, had his
child at the age of 40, and he had had a scheme for his baby about music school, what to do when the child has symptoms of low-developing, or even what language should those around the baby speak in order to raise his bilingual ability.
plans eventually proved effective when John, the son, grew up to be a well-behaved and outstandingly intelligent boy. In conclusion, the tendency has occurred because of the rise of occupational expectations and living costs as well as the desire to have some relaxing moments.
, more available
and the plans to bring up children are the positive points of the trend which are more considerable than the negative ones.
Submitted by trankhanhnhi on

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