IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In contemporary society, an increasing number of individuals having children later in life has sparked a degree of controversy among the public. This essay aims to examine several factors contributing to this trend and e
With the fact that having kids can be a life time wish for so many people, there are more individuals leaning to the decision of not having children. I am going to bring reasons and debating on pros and cons of the possi
It has been pointed out that an increasing number of individuals decide to have their first kid in their late thirties or forties. Personally, I opine that the stiff competitive atmosphere in our society causes this circ
It has been pointed out that an increasing number of individuals decide to have their first kid in their late thirties or forties. Personally, I opine that the stiff competitive atmosphere in our society causes this circ
Today, it is not unusual for individuals to have babies at a later age. There are various reasons for this situation. In my opinion, the benefits of brewing kids in older years far outweigh the drawbacks.
In recent decades, more and more individuals decide to delay their parenthood. Statistics show that the average age for parenthood rose to 30, nine years older than it was in 1970. The major reasons behind this trend are
In the contemporary era, there is a common tendency for many couples to give birth at many older ages compared to the past. This trend could be explained by modernization and the development of individualism, however, I
Majority of nation, more and more dwellers plan to have kid delay in their life. It is easily seen that the financial burden is one of the reason why many spouses tend to latter their childbirth because birth early force
In the contemporary era, a noticeable shift in family planning has emerged and a growing number of individuals have a tendency is have their offspring at a later stage. I believe there are numerous benefits such as they
In recent years, a noticeable shift in family planning has emerged and many people decided to have their offspring at a later stage. I believe there are numerous benefits such as they can spend quality time together and
In recent years, a noticeable shift in family planning has emerged and many people prefer to have children at their later stage in life. Several reasons are responsible for this, and I believe that it has more consequenc
In the modern era, the vast majority prefer having a baby in their adult period. This essay will discuss the reasons for this trend along with the writer's explanation as to why the positive sides of this surpass the neg
It is true that more people are choosing to have children at a later age. This phenomenon stems from societal pressures, including financial stability, occupation achievement, and the increasing number of divorce cases.
Modern days with the shift of lifestyle and priorities, many prefer to have children at a later age. It is uncommon to see women give birth at the age of 18, usually is after 30 years old. Studies has shown there are sev
Parenting is one of the crucial roles in everyone's life. These days, most people decide to conceive a child later in their life because they want stable financially and achieve their goals. This situation leads to more
Marriage is still considered a big achievement for some people in several countries, and the main objective is to have children as their offspring. The decision to have a baby in later life has become a trend in the last
In recent time, increasingly individuals decide to have children after long period after they marriage. There are several reasons why people prefer to have children later in their life In my opinion the demerits of this
These days, the vast majority of individuals are having children at later stages of their life. This essay discusses various reasons behind this mentality and why this practice has more drawbacks than benefits.
Planning to have a child is one of the major decisions in couples life. In this ear, people are delaying the idea of having a child due to several reasons, and the prominent one is to focus on their career goals. While I
Recently, an increasing number of people make the decision to put off the time to have children. This may be caused by several reasons. I personally believe that young men deciding to have children later in life has bene
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