Some people say that it is possible to tell a lot about a person’s culture and character from their choice of clothes. Do you agree or disagree?

Few people are of the opinion that the decision of clothing determines his personality and lifestyle. I completely disagree with the aforementioned statement and shall state my reasons by elaborating the same with an example.
, there are a myriad number of corporate organizations which mandate dress codes for their employees. They are usually allowed to wear business formals.
, few companies permit business casuals.
does not define any personal traits of a worker. He is forced to abide by the rules and regulations in order to avoid any penalty.
For instance
, all the male associates wear a formal shirt and a pair of trousers, but they belong to diverse cultures and possess varied personal characteristics. One could be an introvert, whereas the other could be an extrovert.
. nuptial ceremonies in the present era follow themes for each event. The organizers try to explore other cultures, which are different from their own.
For example
, my friend is native to a city named Gujarat. During her sibling's marital functions, the women of the bride's family decided to drape a Kerala saree. The western culture of India follows completely different traditions.
On the other hand
, the South Indians follow their own customs.
is not about any traditional belief of a particular family. To summarize, one cannot judge and assume a traditional following and individual qualities solely based on their outfit. The world offers a multitude of options of couture to experiment
as the Americans who adore the Indian
Correct your spelling
, follow their lifestyle.
Submitted by varsh201 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • garments
  • traditional attire
  • sartorial choices
  • expressive style
  • cultural identity
  • psychological implications
  • non-verbal cues
  • globalization
  • perceptions
  • professional demeanor
  • societal norms
  • economic constraints
  • subcultures
  • fashion movements
  • individualism
  • stereotype
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