Plastic bags, plastic bottles and plastic packaging are bad for the environment. What damage does plastic do to the environment? What can be done by governments and individuals to solve this problem?

Plastics, which are
known as polythene have made shopping easier for humans.
its usage in form of bags, plastics and wraps are hazardous to the surrounding.
essay will discuss the reasons for the problems and outline the solutions the government and residents can provide. To start with, there are several dangers polythenes pose to the environment,
is not only limited to the fact that they are ubiquitous and do not decay but
, they cause air pollution and environmental degradation. To explain
, polythenes are everywhere, and because of their inorganic properties, they
forever. It is found both on land and in the sea. To illustrate, an article published by W.H.O reveals that 80% of the world’s plastics are found in the sea. So, they find their way into the guts and stomachs of marine animals, thereby, leading to their high mortality rate.
, it has been proven to be the major cause of toxicity in the atmosphere, which
leads to environmental degradation. The combustion of plastic-made substances has led to the release of toxic chemicals into the atmosphere. So,
has made the air unsafe for breathing.
For example
, in a record that was recently published, it was stated that 95% of people who reside around plastic-making factories developed lung problems.
, authorities and residents can resolve
problem. To explain
, governments can review the law governing the proper disposal of
materials in the policy, and individuals can ensure its full compliance.
policy may include a heavy fine for law-breakers, as
will compel the citizens to adhere strictly if they do not want to pay these charges.
For example
, in Canada, the fine for throwing plastic bags on the street is 100 dollars. In conclusion, polythenes are detrimental to the habitat as they are omnipresent and do not degrade like organic materials,
the sea and land animals die from its consumption. And
, it leads to air pollution.
, authorities should create a strict policy governing its disposal and individuals should strictly adhere to
Submitted by adedolapooye on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • plastic pollution
  • ecosystems
  • wildlife
  • climate change
  • fossil fuels
  • air pollution
  • strict regulations
  • plastic consumption
  • eco-friendly alternatives
  • sustainable packaging
  • recycling facilities
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