In their advertising, businesses nowadays usually emphasis that their products are new in some way, Why is this? Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

contemporary epoch, some advocates discern that it is paramount to constantly create new features in their commodities. I completely agree with the former view as that will entice more purchasers .
, that will influence their businesses positively. My contention will be
To begin
with, many entrepreneurs are of the belief that their profits will soar if new qualities are added to their merchandise .
In other words
, many clients are attracted to
novelty . An eminent example is Apple international company which has been updating its electronic devices over the years . Despite the fact that the new gadgets are always extravagant , many customers are impressed with them, and they pay thousands of pounds to obtain those fancy phones .
, what can be said is that if businessmen keep renovating their goods, their businesses will flourish and expand.
, the continuity of
updates will result in more purchases ,which has a profound impact on the nation itself. To illustrate, that will raise its national income
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and will provide many job opportunities for youths .
might be exemplified by China where inventors always create new products that are compatible with humans` needs.
, that will have a profound impact on the citizens` social and economic levels .
,that not only will benefit the corporations themselves , but
the countries and the citizens. In conclusion, after
essay has manifested the points mentioned above it can be reiterated that economic authorities ought to subsidise different firms to enhance and add new qualities to their devices. I am a staunch believer that they will reap the benefits sooner or later .
Submitted by esraaalnahrawy6 on

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