Car ownership has increased so rapidly over the past thirty years that many cities in the world are now ‘one big traffic jam’. How true do you think this statement is? What measures can governments take to discourage people from using their car?

In recent three decades, the number of individuals, who have their own cars, has dramatically risen, which makes lots of communities convert into huge traffic jams. In my opinion, while it is true that everybody tends to use their own vehicles individually, more cars on highways will create heavy traffics in cities.
, the issue can be tackled by authorities, which people will be forced to use their own automobiles as little as possible.
To begin
with, while many women and men have been recently commuting by their automobiles in cities, which causes traffic jams, a regulation should have been imposed to reduce the number of automobiles on the streets.
For example
, one of the solutions is that authorities determine a time limitation for certain avenues, which are crowded during specific time-slot, that only a limited number of vehicles are allowed to commute .
, some people need to go by taxi or bus to reach their destination.
, it is claimed that some individuals do not have other options to avoid using an auto due to a lack of access to public transportation in less developed areas.
In other words
, some eras of a city haven't been improved, and everybody has to reach there by their own autos via the main street of the city, which mostly is crowded.
, if governments provided more locations with transportation facilities, more individuals would encourage to use taxis, trains or buses rather than using their own autos. In conclusion, while many cities are suffering from traffic jams inasmuch as car ownership has grown significantly in the past three decades, societies can cope with it by applying more restricted regulations,
as banding some crowded streets in a specific time or constructing more transportation facilities in any location that has a few accessibilities.
Submitted by neda.khn88 on

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