increasing tax on various industries will reduce pollution. to what extent do you agree or disagree?

There is no doubt that over the past few years, emissive and heavy pollution of factories has created a huge strain on the environment around the world. There is a belief that says compulsory paying more
may address
challenge. I completely disagree with the aforementioned statement cause, in my opinion, approving a rising amount of
could not be an impressive scheme.
, the regulation of more
payments is not a reliable solution. There are many tricks and tips which companies can use as an efficient tool to deceive the government.
For instance
, we have witnessed that cheating has become common among spheres and, many corporations have cooperated with many cheaters to train deceit. It is obvious that employing and expenditure these workers will be more economical than giving significant
to the state.
, the owners of businesses would not be convinced to decrease the amount of production despite paying more
. Many sectors with achieving noticeable earnings do not determine
as an obstacle. Put simply, the more production would be produced, the more incoming would be provided.
For example
, according to surveys, a number of well-known companies do not obey the environmental rules and exert a great deal of negative influence even with paying considerable taxes.
, with
lack of morals, and extending corruption, catching more money seems not to be a good option. In conclusion, I believe with the existence of some ways to escape from the law and
being humans who are becoming far from humanity, taxation is not the only solution to eradicate these detrimental effects on the environment.
Submitted by mahshadrezaee1 on

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