One of the main issues faced by the people in urban cities is traffic jams. Significant improvements in using private vehicles are one of the major reasons for the congestion and the park - and ride system is the most viable solution for reducing congestion.
In the
two ,decades the number of citizens who use their own transport mechanism for travelling is increased.Due to not having proper public transportation ,facility many Sri Lankan cause to use their personal vehicles as a travelling arrangement. Linking Words
, travellers believe that by using the private transport method they can avoid unnecessary delays and can complete the journey as they expected. Linking Words
For example
one of my friends uses her personal car for her every travelling in fact that she wants to save her time to manage her day-to-day activities.
Park and Ride is the most feasible way to reduce the number of vehicles on roads. Linking Words
, it is essential to provide facilities for parking areas.Linking Words
In addition
,providing free-of-charge parking locations for Linking Words
personal transport will be the most suitable approach for reducing unnecessary movement on road.Linking Words
, the government should take steps to increase facilities in public services and more resources should be allocated to develop public transportation.Linking Words
, people will be intending to use the public transportation system than using private services. For ,instance authorities can study the programme introduced by Anuradapura Urban Council to reduce traffic jams in cities and town areas.
In conclusion,traffic congestion is the major problem faced by the people living in urban zones.I can suggest that by introducing a park and ride system, many of us can reduce time on the road for day-to-day activities.Linking Words