It is apparent that a growing attitude to distinguish between right and wrong at a young stage is the most effective. Many people reckon that punishment is a promising tool to help them form good discipline and behaviour in children. In
essay, the reasons to support my agreement with the statement, and the example of the potential penalties for kids will be elaborated on in the following paragraphs.
Punishment is one of the most competent methods that parents and Linking Words
can use to teach pupils Use synonyms
because it attributes children to realize the consequences of their actions, and discourages them not to do wrong things again. Add the particle
to discipline
For example
, when I was a high school student, I was punished by deducting scores for being late for a piano class. Since that day, I have been a punctual person since Linking Words
. Linking Words
, some sort of physical penalties should be suspended Linking Words
as hitting by wood, fasting food, standing in the sun and so on because these can contribute to physical and mental pain among kids.
There are various types of feasible sanctions without violence that can be used at home and school. The first method is to decrease the time for their favourite activities. Linking Words
For instance
, parents can set rules to reduce the time for playing computer games and watching cartoons in order to punish them. In Linking Words
way, they dare not violate the rules. Linking Words
, at school, Linking Words
can deduct the score of students who break the rule, and Use synonyms
can call the principal of the students, Use synonyms
according to
my experience, most children do not want their parent to know Linking Words
guilty, especially me. Correct your spelling
they are
, Linking Words
example can be a potential method to form good behaviour.
In conclusion, it is crucial to educate kids to have good attitudes, and sanction is Linking Words
efficient assistance. In my opinion, I strongly agree that the penalty without physical hurt is a promising tool and should be implemented by parents and Correct article usage
to form student discipline.Use synonyms