Write a letter to your friends. In your letter: ● Thank them for the holiday and the photos. ● Explain why you didn’t write earlier. ● Invite them to come and stay with you.

Dear Bary, I'm so glad to know that you are planning to spend your summer vacation at a campsite,
would be amazing for an introvert like you. You are going to have a lot of fun there. I know it's your
time but think about making so many new friends during the
. Some of them will definitely continue to be friends with you even after the
, same as my two friends John and Phil.
, consider living in tents, it is an amazing experience. Those are nothing like usual houses, it's open and very near to nature.
, there are a few things I must warn you about before your
. Since it is summertime, expect insects around so must carry a repellent cream or a spray for your safety.
tents are a great place to stay, there is a disadvantage as well like one common washroom. Hygiene is really a challenge there but it is still manageable. As I think about it, I feel I could join you for the camping
. Wouldn't it be great if both of us are together! Let's do
. Best Regards, Akshat.
Submitted by akshatdarora on

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