Some people believe that it is good to share as much information as possible in scientific research, business and the academic world. Others believe that some information is too important or too valuable to be shared freely.

In an era of
explosion, some people contend that the most valuable
as recent scientific breakthroughs, previous business experiences and academic approaches ought to be circulated.
, others argued that sensitive and valuable data should not be accessible to the public freely. Both parties have their reasons for arguments, and I personally believe that it should be determined based on the type of
we are talking about. Whether the
should be freely disseminated or secured strictly, depends on its nature. The aspect of academic
for example
, should be open and easily accessible to everyone. Students and teachers would benefit greatly from
sharing to acquire professional qualifications. A similar approach applies to business, where learning experiences from previous generations and successful entrepreneurs will mitigate financial risks.
, a vast amount of pivotal facts and recent discoveries in science and technology are necessary to society’s development, which
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made by scientists who shared and successfully collaborated with both local and overseas experts in various areas.
For instance
, the latest vaccine against Covid-19 was created by a large group of specialists from all over the world. It exemplifies what kind of
must be distributed for better development. Alternatively, more careful consideration should be given to some data that can potentially harm the emotional and physical well-being of people and have negative impacts on social stability and peace.
For instance
, if some principles of high-tech weapons or biological tools are misused by terrorists, it can pose a threat to the whole world.
, if financial data and secrets of governments were leaked to rivals, it would be dangerous for the most vulnerable parts of our society and could ruin the global economy. In conclusion, if
can be defined as benefiting the prosperity of society, it should be shared by people as much as possible,
in contrast
, if sharing particular investigations poses risks to human lives and impacts our society negatively, it should be handled with caution and consideration.
Submitted by olivialee0522 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • information sharing
  • scientific research
  • business
  • academic world
  • advancement of knowledge
  • progress
  • collaboration
  • cross-disciplinary research
  • open access
  • democratization of information
  • transparency
  • credibility
  • intellectual property
  • security concerns
  • commercial interests
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