modern life is chaotic in present time. Do you agree or disagree

Nowadays, life became fast pacing race in which nobody wanted to stop even for a bit. People are facing a plethora of hurdles from living relaxed and comfortable living.
, modernisation brought a revolution in every scenario, but it extended the chaos to a different level. I personally agree that, it detriment personal, professional and social life. Despite all facilities in present existence, citizens worked hard to cope with exorbitant living standards and expenses. Most of the employees have to work long hours on daily basis without receiving any holidays or promotions to earn that money. Workers are exploited,
for instance
, to wrap up their unachievable projects on a scheduled timeline, which made them psychologically exhausted.
As a result
of that depressive mood and lengthier stay at , the office human beings get dissociated from family and relatives. It is unsurprising to see divorces at a higher ratio due to work-life imbalance. Apart from that, advancement erodes basic moral values and enhanced the competitive nature amongst people.
of cooperating and helping each other out, they ought to succeed by destroying offenders' careers or even personalities.
For example
, People even talk to others with intended benefits,
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avoid the conversation. Is it really worth it?
it even existed in the past, now, since humane acts dropped, increased unpredictably.
, bonding with society is nowhere to find. In conclusion, Modernisation is confusing in every way; either with the outer world or with own self. It is happening due to the potential that we have the option to choose between the right or wrong side.
Submitted by sonudosanjh12329 on

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