Some people believe that it is best to accept a bad situation, such as an unsatisfactory job or shortage of money. Others argue that it is better to try and improve such situations. Disccuss both these views and give your own opinion.

think that accepting bad conditions is better for them.
, there are others who firmly argue that thriving the cases is the best. There are a lot of problems which we face every day, as we age, there is a thin line between accepting and improving these situations. In
essay, I will explain that we can both of them find a solution to problems in our lives.
, mankind has evolved to easily adapt to changes which are occurring around. Acknowledging the circumstances help to reduce stress level which contributes to making mistakes unconsciously. It plays an important role in our avoiding inevitable bad ends which there will be a price to pay in future.
For example
, Germany couldn't understand when war was over in the 1940s
soldiers found it hard to convey to the others,
it caused to collapse of all nations. In the end, since they couldn't accept being defeated, they disappeared from the historical stage.
always want to change their poor destinies to good ones thanks to improvement. They would try to find a solution to their exaggerated problems which reduce their moods and life standards. Improving is essential for
because if we didn’t flourish our lives with creativity, we wouldn’t live in today’s world.
For instance
, travelling and trading had very hard conditions during the medieval age when it took a few months to go from Europe to Asia.
didn’t accept it,
they started to think extraordinarily. It provided a solution to that difficulties. In conclusion,
take into account every possibility when they are thinking about what is best for them. They can try to develop proper strategies to manage it. It could be a more possible and convenient way for them.
Submitted by ibrahimccet on

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