It has often been suggested that the reintroduction of capital punishment would deter the ever increasing rate of serious crime. What is your view? Do you think that capital punishment should be reinstated?

It is a fact that the world is witnessing a tremendous increase in the number of serious criminal activities. At
point, it is often recommended that the death penalty be reintroduced, to which I have a mixed response. On the one side of the argument, if capital punishment is reinstated, the expected result is a substantial fall in the number of heinous crimes committed. To be more explicit, the
few decades have witnessed increased crimes, including extortion, rape and murder. Critics point out that
is mainly because of lax punishments. They argue if
criminals are awarded the death sentence, it will be a deterrent factor, and naturally, there will be a decline in the frequency of
criminal activities. I feel
is true to an extent.
On the other hand
, the reintroduction of
extreme punishment is questioned for its brutal nature. To be more apparent, many criminals who have committed crimes might be forced by some exceptional situations or without any serious intentions.
For example
, in some circumstances, people commit murders for survival,
some are forced to do so by external factions. In
cases, the judiciary has to be careful in awarding a death sentence.
, these people can be reeducated and reintroduced into society as productive citizens. There is some truth in
To conclude
, there is no doubt that the reintroduction of capital punishment is an unjustifiable move considering humanity.
, habitual criminals who threaten society can be executed by law.
Submitted by abdulla.alkaabi on

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task achievement
You have addressed the topic well and presented a balanced view. However, some of your arguments could be further elaborated with more specific examples to strengthen your points.
coherence cohesion
Ensure that each paragraph has a clear and distinct main idea. While your essay is generally well-organized, a bit more attention to clear, distinct points could improve clarity.
coherence cohesion
Your essay has an effective introduction and conclusion, which frame the main arguments quite well.
task achievement
You presented both sides of the argument, showing a balanced view on a contentious issue, which is commendable.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • reintroduction
  • capital punishment
  • deter
  • serious crime
  • controversial
  • argument
  • deterrent
  • potential criminals
  • heinous act
  • justice
  • human rights
  • government
  • execute
  • innocent individuals
  • legal system
  • wrongful convictions
  • alternatives
  • life imprisonment
  • parole
  • rectifying
  • emerges
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